Monday, February 29, 2016

10 Reasons Why Reading to Children is Important - The Benefits of Reading to Kids

There's no denying that reading to children is an important and rewarding activity that can make a significant impact in the life of a child. It's recommended that parents, grandparents, teachers and caregivers try setting aside even just fifteen minutes a day to read to small children or listen to older children read.

Starting when our children our infants and continuing into their tweens, reading together is extremely beneficial for everyone. The reasons are many and I’ve compiled ten of what I consider the more important ones here: 
  1.  Children who are read to at a young age are more likely to remain avid readers later in life.
  2.  Reading to children helps build their vocabulary skills.
  3.  Adults who read to children are modeling their own enthusiasm for books and reading.
  4.  Reading to children introduces proper grammar and language skills.
  5.  Reading to children encourages imagination.
  6.  Reading introduces kids to different cultures, people, places and situations they might not otherwise be exposed to.
  7.  Adults who read to children are opening up those all-important lines of communication and discussion.
  8.  Reading to children can easily become a valued family tradition.
  9.  Reading to kids improves their concentration skills and focus.
  10.  Reading to children can be a useful tool when determining a child’s developmental level.

What are your thoughts about reading to kids? How often do you and your children read together? What are some of your children’s favorite books? Has reading together become a favorite family tradition? I’d love to know, so leave your comments below!  

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